Alabama (AL) Certified Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP) Learning Course
Alabama (AL) Certified Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP) Learning Course
[Alabama (AL) Certified Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP) Learning Course] Alabama (AL) Certified Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP) Learning Course
Alabama Department of Public Health
Contact: Cynthia Bailey-Hawn, MPH, C-IAHP
The Alabama Department of Public Health is pleased to announce the availability of this new course. The purpose of the Alabama Certified Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Abuse Professional (CAADP) Learning Course is to provide an opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge in adolescent substance abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment. This course will help professionals develop skills to identify youth who may have a substance abuse problem and connect them with appropriate services. In addition, the course will provide skills needed to assess adolescents’ risk for alcohol and drug use and/or abuse, design interventions that are tailored to their needs, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
The content presented in this Learning Course was developed by researchers from across the country who specialize in substance abuse prevention and treatment among adolescents. The curriculum includes over 40 hours of instruction on topics such as prevention programs; screening, assessment and referral; group interventions; individual counseling; case management; family counseling; school-based programs; self-help groups; community-based programs; aftercare services; relapse prevention Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.