Alabama (AL) Licensed Dental Hygienist Learning Course
Alabama (AL) Licensed Dental Hygienist Learning Course
[Alabama (AL) Licensed Dental Hygienist Learning Course] Alabama (AL) Licensed Dental Hygienist Learning Course
Alabama is one of the few states that does not require a national board exam to become licensed. The state does, however, require all applicants to take a course on dental hygiene and pass a state exam before they can practice. The Alabama Board of Dental Examiners has set up a program for this purpose. The program consists of both classroom instruction and clinical experience.
The program is offered through the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry, which offers multiple locations including Birmingham and Mobile. There are two separate programs: one for those who have already graduated from an accredited dental hygiene school and one for those who have not yet graduated. You'll need to complete required courses in anatomy and physiology, microbiology, pharmacology and pathology as well as additional courses that teach clinical procedures including x-rays, periodontics (gum disease) and prosthodontics (replacing missing teeth). In addition to completing these required courses, you will also need to complete clinical experience hours at participating dentist offices or clinics while under the supervision of an instructor or faculty member from UAB's School of Dentistry. Once you complete these steps successfully, you will be eligible for licensure by the Alabama Board Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.