Virginia (VA) Genetic Counselors License Learning Course
Virginia (VA) Genetic Counselors License Learning Course
[Virginia (VA) Genetic Counselors License Learning Course] Virginia (VA) Genetic Counselors License Learning Course
Virginia Genetic Counselor License Learning Course
The Virginia Genetic Counselor License Learning Course is designed to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies for genetic counselors to practice in Virginia. The course consists of 24 hours of didactic content and 12 hours of clinical observation. This course is based on the Standards for Training and Certification in Genetic Counseling published by the American Board of Genetics Counseling (ABGC).
Course Description:
This course is designed for individuals who are interested in becoming certified as a genetic counselor or working towards certification as a genetic counselor in Virginia. Individuals who complete this course will be eligible to apply to sit for the national examination administered by ABGC which leads to certification as a genetic counselor. The certificate awarded upon successful completion of this course includes two years of certification eligibility; however, it does not guarantee successful completion of national board examination or certification as a genetic counselor. This certificate must be renewed every two years through payment of renewal fees; otherwise it will expire without further notice. License Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.