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West Virginia (WV) Assessors Learning Course

West Virginia (WV) Assessors Learning Course

Regular price $111.00 USD
Regular price $136.00 USD Sale price $111.00 USD
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[West Virginia (WV) Assessors Learning Course] West Virginia (WV) Assessors Learning Course

Course Overview:

The West Virginia (WV) Assessors Learning Course is designed for the first time assessor and for those who have not been in the position for a significant period of time. The course is intended to provide the student with an understanding of the assessment process, laws and regulations, appraisal methods, and ethics as they apply to property tax assessments.

The course is intended to be an overview rather than an in depth study of any given topic. An attempt has been made to provide enough detail so that students will be able to answer questions that may arise during an appointment meeting with a taxpayer or other interested party.

It is assumed that the student has had no prior formal training in property tax appraisal or administration, but has had some experience with real estate transactions and knowledge of property values in general. The topics covered in this course may be too basic for some assessors who have been actively engaged in appraisal work for many years. Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.

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