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West Virginia (WV) Attorney Learning Course

West Virginia (WV) Attorney Learning Course

Regular price $111.00 USD
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[West Virginia (WV) Attorney Learning Course] West Virginia (WV) Attorney Learning Course

Section 1: Introduction to the Law and Legal System in West Virginia

West Virginia is a common law state, which means that lawyers must follow the precedents set by prior cases when handling new cases. Common law was introduced to the United States by early British explorers and settlers. Common law principles are based on custom and usage, rather than legislative statutes or judicial decisions. In contrast, civil law systems are codified in written codes that provide detailed rules governing all possible legal situations.

The most significant difference between the common law system in West Virginia and other states is that West Virginia does not have a unified code of laws. Instead, each type of case has its own body of law consisting of court decisions handed down over many years. This makes it very difficult for attorneys to know what will happen if they try a certain type of case before a particular judge or jury. However, this also means that West Virginians enjoy greater rights than citizens in other states because our state's courts have more discretion to interpret laws as they see fit rather than blindly following strict interpretations established by earlier cases. Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.

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