West Virginia (WV) Insurance Solicitor Learning Course
West Virginia (WV) Insurance Solicitor Learning Course
[West Virginia (WV) Insurance Solicitor Learning Course] The West Virginia Insurance Solicitor Learning Course is designed to prepare individuals to engage in the business of insurance solicitor. The course takes approximately 90 days to complete and consists of ten modules.
The West Virginia Insurance Solicitor Learning Course is a self-paced online course that includes 10 modules. Each module includes multiple lessons and a final exam. In addition, there are many opportunities for you to interact with other students and instructors through discussion forums and live chats. You may take as long as you need on each lesson; however, you should complete all lessons within 90 days of registering for the course.
In order to successfully complete the course, you must pass each lesson test with a score of 80% or better (80 questions out of 100). If you fail any test, we will provide you with feedback on how to improve your performance so that you can retake the test again after 24 hours from when it was taken originally. Learning Course is a platform that helps students to study and learn. The platform provides all the required material for the students to study. The material includes Study guide, Exam Questions & Answers, Study Notes and other resources that are useful for the students. It also gives information about the upcoming exams so that students can prepare themselves accordingly.